Recipes (English) Sweet Koji (Amazake)

Ama Koji cooking recipe: Egg and Garlic chives stir fry


Do you know Ama koji? It’s super nutritious food/ drink. You can drink Ama koji straight or you can use it as sweetener.
This recipe will show you how to use Ama koji as sweetener in a savory dish.

Garlic chives are one of my favorite vegetables. It’s also super nutritious as well. Garlic chives are very easy to grow. Once you plant them in your garden, you can leave them by themselves, and they will survive!

This egg and garlic chive stir fry is another simple recipe, and so delicious. I can finish a big bowl of this stir fry easily!


  • 1 bunch garlic chives, cut into 5cm. Keep stems and leaves separately.

    The sauce
  • 2tsp soy sauce (If you have shoyu Koji or Tamari Koji, you can use them!)
  • 1 tsp oyster sauce
  • 4 tsp Ama koji
  • 2 tsp Sake

    Egg mix
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 pinch black pepper

  • 1tbsp toasted sesame oil


  1. Place the egg, salt and pepper in a large bowl and whisk to combine.
  2. Place sesame oil into a pan, place over medium heat. When it’s hot, place egg mix into the pan and scramble until medium rare. Take scramble egg mix out of the pan and put it aside.
  3. Place some more sesame oil into the pan, place over medium heat. Cook stems of garlic chives for 3-5 min then add the leaves and 3/4 of the sauce. Cook another 2-3 min. Stir well.
  4. Place the egg back to the pan, mix all ingredients well. If you prefer richer taste, then add the rest of the sauce.
  5. Place everything in a plate. Serves 4.

Delicious turnip & Shoyu Koji recipe ↓↓↓



-Recipes (English), Sweet Koji (Amazake)
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