How to say “Beer please!” in Japanese.
2021/02/01 -Japanese lesson
Beer in Japanese, Japanese, Learning JapanseWhen you travel abroad, after long flight you may want to have a nice beer or two.Here are simple ph …
Delicious Fermented Tofu with Miso
Ok, someone says soy is sometimes hard to digest.. so Tofu is not so great. Well, then how about whe …
2020/12/27 -Miso, Recipes (English)
This easy but delicious recipe is my mum’s recipe. It’s one of my favorite pork recipe.M …
Delicious Capellini with Salt Koji (Shio Koji)
2020/09/20 -Recipes (English), Slat Koji (Shio Koji)
capellini, healthy guts, Salt koji, Shio KojiSalt Koji (AKA: Shio Koji) always goes well with olive oil. This capellini will refresh you in hot s …
Delicious Daikon / Turnip pickles recipe
2020/09/06 -Recipes (English)
daikon, Japanese recipe, pickles, TurnipThis pickles reminds me Japan 🙂 I made this pickles for gathering, and everyone asked me the recipe. …
簡単で手間のかからない家庭菜園の始め方 土はどうするの? 無農薬・無化学肥料
こんにちは、Sunnyblogです。 オーストラリアの田舎に引越して、長年夢だった家庭菜園を始めて約5カ月。我が菜園はただいま、美しい菜の花畑になっております。 このブログでは、家庭菜園初心者のわたし …
Salt Koji + Onion = Natural MSG
2020/08/22 -Recipes (English), Slat Koji (Shio Koji)
natural MSG, Salt koji, sauce, Shio KojiThis easy 5 min recipe will show you how to make Onion salt Koji (Shio Koji) sauce.This sauce is a m …
Tofu with Tamari koji (Soy sauce Koji)
2020/08/21 -Recipes (English), Syoyu Koji (Tamari Koji, Soy sauce Koji)
how to, recipe, Shoyu Koji, Soy sauce Koji, Tamari Koji, Tofu, Vegan, vegetarianThis is simple healthy vegan recipe. Tamari Koji adds additional Umami flavour! Ingredients 1 pack t …
Turnip carpaccio with Tamari Koji (Soy sauce Koji) lemon sauce
2020/08/21 -Recipes (English), Syoyu Koji (Tamari Koji, Soy sauce Koji)
how to, recipe, Shyoyu Koji, Soy sauce Koji, Tamari Koji, TurnipThis is so delicious as I needed to make another batch for the second round! The Tamari Koji lemon s …
2020/08/15 -Miso, Recipes (English)
Easy, Japanese, Miso soup, recipe, traditionalMiso soup is the base of Japanese home meal. Miso is one of the super food and so good for your guts …